Sunday 3 December 2017


I recently found three Burley's Farm Catalogues from early 20th century St John. These were real estate listings of farms for sale in the area.

The first three photos are from the 1919 issue and included for sale a 300 acre farm located in Hampton. With the photo and the description I was curious if anyone might know the location and whether it is still standing today. It is described as being in Hampton, with the Hammond River flowing through the farm with a 7 roomed house, stone foundation and frost proof cellar. In addition to the home there were three barns, a woodshed, hog house, and sheep house. The school was one and a half miles away, the post office a half mile, two miles to the store or the railway station. Taxes were $8.00. The price was $2650, with $1500 down and 6% interest.

The second and third farm listings (photos 4 and 5) are from the 1928 edition. The first is described as 1 mile from the county seat (which would be Hampton) and 2 miles to the Consolidated School . The school had van service for the students, hydro electric was available. For $4000 you could have this 250 acre farm.

And the final listing (also from 1928) is described as being on 4 acres in a pretty village, with frontage on 3 streets, lots of elm trees, and with the Kennebecasis just a 1/4 mile to the west. The house is a "fine, double house, electric lighted and furnace heated . . . hot and cold running water" and just 1/2 mile to the consolidated school. All yours for $6000.

Anyone recognize their house?

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